Time for a little rant, methinks.
Now, if you know anything about me by now you probably know that I am an Anthropologist. I study cultures from all over the globe. I study pretty much anything that has to do with the material culture of humans. Someone had the bright idea cross their mind to send me a link to a video. This particular video is a rather bland exposé on Balkan erotic myths. If someone had sent this video to me on a normal day, I would have been like, "Wow, this is extremely interesting." But for the sake of all that is good, do NOT send this video to me and say "omg i lold so hard at this.' If you are a mature individual with a mild curiosity for Balkan Erotic Myths you can see the video here.
I can assure you, this video is not a joke. It is however an artistic rendition of a certain culture's folklore. The lady in charge of producing this film and several others is Marina Abramović, a Yugoslavian performance artist who has had several performances and exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art, NY and the Guggenheim Museum, NY.
I may not have my PhD yet, but I can assure you that I do know a thing or two about subjects such as these. I pride myself in the knowledge that I have acquired in the past few years and I am not afraid to use it. You therefore, cannot try to brush off the mistake of forwarding the video to me by saying its just a fake piece of internet trash made for the enjoyment of imbeciles across the country. I am not amused. You will fail to bullshit me. Also you may note for future reference: when your plan fails to BS me, you will also fail when you try to blame someone else for sending it to me. I understand that I can be scary when I am legitimately mad but please own up to your own mistake, or else I will just have to brush you off as just merely being an ignorant fool. People seem to underestimate the depths to which I can see into a person.